An Atlanta based non-profit organization had been running a free fitness program for years, using an archaic backend system that did not allow for any data tracking or analysis which resulted in the organization not being able to assess the performance of the program they offered for free to the Atlanta community
I designed a system that allowed them to more effectively capture / track attendee data, as a module of the Smart Studio platform (which I co-founded and own), and then developed a visualization dashboard in Excel that provided them and their partner/sponsor, a large US fitness apparel manufacturer, key insights into the performance of the program, allowing them to slice and dice the data by multiple KPIs.
The below screenshots show some of the interactive dashboards and charts that allow the organization to slice and dice the attendee data to provide actionable insights for marketing, soliciting support for the organization or encouraging engagement. All green cells (besides the tiles in the first image) are drop downs that allow filtering (or not) by a particular metric.
The organization is now able to better understand the key demographics of their Free Fitness program attendees, as well as provide their board as well as their partner / sponsor accurate facts and figures that convey the impact of the free fitness program to the Atlanta community.